Experienced MMU-SPUR Operator with 0ver 9 years in Mining industry. Excellent reputation for resolving problems and improving customer satisfaction. Offers flexible schedule to deliver excellent work
I am dedicated in keeping my body healthy through gym and excercise
Yanlong Li Bruce, production manager,mining department NFC MINING
Contact: +260972483425
JOSPEH CHINGALA - Project Manager, Customer Service African Explosives (AEL)
Email: Joseph.Chingala@aeciworld.com
Mobile: +260968251288
Gilbert Sakala - Senior Mine Planning Engineer Lubambe Copper Mine Ltd
Email: Gilbert.Sakala@Lubambe.com Mobile:+260963904495
JAMES DARKOH AMO Project Cordinator, Modern chemicals & Services (saudi Arabia)
Email: darkohamohj@gmail.com