Dedicated academic and researcher with over 25 years in applied mathematics.
Experienced academic and intellectually curious person always seeking new information and driving research forward. Balances classroom, laboratory and practice time to help students develop into knowledgeable, confident professionals. Multi-published researcher with history of running successful studies with students.
Ph.D Title:
Earned Award: Best PhD thesis in the field of advanced engineering and technological sciences 2010 in Zagazig University
• Ranking 13 at the level of the Republic as the best PhD thesis in the engineering studies sector for the year 2010.
M.Sc. Title: “Automatic Genearation of finite Elements Grids in 3D”
Attended workshops:
1- Organizing exams and evaluating students
2- Effective communication skills
3- Effective teaching skills
4- Scientific research methods
5- Thinking skills
6- Professional ethics and etiquette
7- Preparing a university teacher
8- Self-evaluation of higher education institutions
9- Program descriptions and curriculum maps for higher education institutions
10- External audit of higher education institutions
11- A workshop on change by the DAAD
12- A workshop on internal auditing of higher education institutions
13- Workshop on crisis and disaster management
1. Workshop in survey studies and questionnaire design - Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University.
2. A course in e-learning skills using Blackboard (Quality Standards QM) in electronic courses and how to apply them-Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University.
3. Course content creation in the Blackboard course.
4. A course of electronic tests and question banks.
5. Infographic design course in e-learning.
6. Course of writing and managing scientific references using Mendeley program.
7. Editing scientific papers course.
8. Standards for quality assurance and program accreditation developed and requirements for achieving them.
1- Attended the international conference of Mathematics and Its Applications 2021(ICMA 2021), held during 19-20 October 2021, organaized by college of Science at King Khaled University, Abha, Saudi Arabia.
2- International Conference on Mathematics Trends and Development (ICMTD12) , Organized by The Egyptian Mathematical Society, 27 – 29 DEC. 2012, Attendence.
3- 35th International Conference for Statistics, Computer Science and Its Applications 11-22 April 2010.
4- Eleventh International Conference of Fluid Dynamics, December 19-21, 2013, Alexandria, Egypt.
1. Ahmed M. Abed, Ali AlArjani, Laila f. Seddek, Samia ElAttar, Reduce the delivery time and relevant costs in a chaotic requests system via lean-Heijunka model to enhance the logistic Hamiltonian route, Results in Engineering, Volume 21, 2024, 101745.
2. Attia Boudjemline; Essam Roshdy El-Zahar; Laila F.Seddek; Hanaa Abu-Zinadah, Thermal radiation effects on oscillating frequency of heat transfer of Darcy–Forchheimer nanofluid with chemical reaction and applications in machining operations. Accepted to Phys. Fluids.
3. Attia Boudjemline, Zia Ullah, Musaad S. Aldhabani, Hammad Al-Shammari, Essam R. El-Zahar, Laila F. Seddek, Ahmed Alamer, Amplitude and oscillating frequency of chemically reactive flow along inclined gravity-driven surface in the presence of thermal conductivity, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 54, 2024, 104001.
4. Laila F. Seddek, Abdelhalim Ebaid, Essam R. El-Zahar. Developed analytical approach for a special kind of differential-difference equation: Exact solution. Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science. Accepted 19/12/2023.
5. Essam R. El-Zahar, Laila F. Seddek, Zia Ullah, Musaad S. Aldhabani, Sana Shahab, Hanaa Abu-Zinadah, Ahmed M. Hassan, Amplitude of heat and mass transfer of gravity-driven convective oscillatory flow along inclined heated plate under reduced gravity and viscosity, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 53, 2024, 103923.
6. Nabwey, Hossam A ; Shabbir, Tayyaba ; Mushtaq, Muhammad et al. NUMERICAL STUDY OF CARREAU FLUID FLOW ALONG AN EXPONENTIAL CURVED STRETCHING SURFACE. In: Special Topics Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal. 2024 ; Vol. 15, No.2.
7. Zia Ullah, Amir Abbas, Essam R. El-Zahar, Laila F. Seddek, Ali Akgul, Ahmed M. Hassan, Significance of thermal density and viscous dissipation on heat and mass transfer of chemically reactive nanofluid flow along stretching sheet under magnetic field, Results in Engineering, Volume 20, 2023, 101413, ISSN 2590-1230,
8. Anwar, T., Asifa, Kumam, P. , El-Zahar, E.R., Muhammad, S., Seddek, Laila F.. Thermal analysis of mineral oil-based hybrid nanofluid subject to time-dependent energy and flow conditions and multishaped nanoparticles.Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2023).
9. Laila F. Seddek, Ahmed M. Abed, Discuss The Effect of The Third Organizational Efficiency Theory onSociety and Economic Growth Via Depravity Axes Frustration by A Non-Linear Model (Depravity Aspects Benefits), International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp 1252-1271.
10. M. Abed, L. F. Seddek and A. AlArjani, “Enhancing Two-Phase Supply Chain Network Distribution via Three Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithms Subsidized by Mathematical Procedures”, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 1–32, 2023.
11. Nidhal Ben Khedher, Essam R. El-Zahar, Laila F. Seddek, Zia Ullah, Sayed M. Eldin, Amplitude and oscillating assessment of thermal and magnetic boundary layer flow across circular heated cylinder with heat source/sink, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 49, 2023, 103216.
12. Seddek, L.F.; Ebaid, A.; El-Zahar, E.R.; Aljoufi, M.D. Exact Solution of Non-Homogeneous Fractional Differential System Containing 2n Periodic Terms under Physical Conditions. Mathematics 2023, 11, 3308.
13. Zia Ullah, Essam.R. El-Zahar, Musaad S. Aldhabani, Haifaa F. Alrihieli, Laila F. Seddek, Heat transfer assessment with entropy generation and thermal density effects on boundary layer flow of magneto nanofluid across the stretching sheet under magnetic field, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 43, 2023, 101955.
14. Ahmed M. Abed, Ali AlArjani, Laila F. Seddek, (2023). Optimization of the Working Parameters with Digital Jidoka Twin by Hybridizing the WSPA and HS Methods to Keep Products Within Standard Specifications. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems. Pages: 1-33.
15. M. Boujelbene , E. R. El-Zahar , L. F. Seddek , Z. Ullah , and O. D. Makinde , “ Viscous dissipation and variable viscosity impacts on oscillatory heat and mass transfer of gravity-driven reactive flow along heated plate,” Phys. Fluids 35, 073604 (2023).
16. Kamel, A.; Ebaid, A.; El-Zahar, E.R.; Chteoui, R.; Seddek, L.F. Mathematical Physics of Time Dilation through Curved Trajectories with Applications. Mathematics 2023, 11,2402. math11102402
17. Kehong Zheng, Ali Raza, Ahmed M. Abed, Hina Khursheed, Laila F. Seddek, Ali Hasan Ali, Absar Ul Haq, New fractional approach for the simulation of (Ag) and (TiO2) mixed hybrid nanofluid flowing through a channel: Fractal fractional derivative, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 45, 2023, 102948.
18. Ali Raza, Ahmed M. Abed, M.Y. Almusawa, Laila F. Seddek, Ali Hasan Ali, Prabhakar fractional simulation for inspection of CMC-based nanofluid flowing through a poured vertical channel, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 45, 2023, 102911.
19. Waqar A Khan, Hossam A Nabwey, Saber MM EL-Kabeir, Ahmed M Rashad, Shereen AbdElnaem, Laila F Seddek, SOLAR ENERGY ENCOURAGEMENT IN SOLAR HVAC USING EYRING-POWELL TERNARY-HYBRID NANOFLUID FLOW IN POROUS MEDIUM WITH CATTANEO-CHRISTOV HEAT AND MASS FLUXES, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal, Vol.4, pp.71-91, 2023.
20. Seddek, L.F.; El-Zahar, E.R.; Chung, J.D.; Shah, N.A. A Novel Approach to Solving Fractional-Order Kolmogorov and Rosenau–Hyman Models through the q-Homotopy Analysis Transform Method. Mathematics 2023, 11, 1321.
21. Abed, A.M.; AlArjani, A.; Seddek, L.F.; ElAttar, S. Modify the Injection Machine Mechanism to Enhance the Recycling of Plastic Waste Mixed with MHD Nanoparticles. Sustainability 2023, 15, 2641. su15032641
22. Abed, A.M.; Seddek, L.F.; Elattar, S. Building a Digital Twin Simulator Checking the Effectiveness of TEG-ICE Integration in Reducing Fuel Consumption Using Spatiotemporal Thermal Filming Handled by Neural Network Technique. Processes 2022, 10, 2701.
23. Seddek, L.F.; El-Zahar, E.R.; Ebaid, A. The Exact Solutions of Fractional Differential Systems with n Sinusoidal Terms under Physical Conditions. Symmetry 2022, 14, 2539.
24. Ahmed M. Abed, Ali AlArjani, Laila F. Seddek, Tamer S. Gaafar, Proactive visual prediction auditing the green eco-safety through backcasting approach booster by grey recruitment priority conceptual framework, Heliyon, Volume 8, Issue 11, 2022, e11729.
25. Abed AM, Seddek LF. The Lean-Branch-and-Bound Structure Effectiveness in Enhancing the Logistic Stowage Methodology for the Regular Shapes. Processes. 2022; 10(11):2252.
26. El-Zahar, E.R.; Mahdy, A.E.N.; Rashad, A.M.; Saad,W.; Seddek, L.F. Unsteady MHD Mixed Convection Flow of Non-Newtonian Casson Hybrid Nanofluid in the Stagnation Zone of Sphere Spinning Impulsively. Fluids 2021, 6, 197.
27. El-Zahar ER, Rashad AM, Seddek LF. Impacts of Viscous Dissipation and Brownian motion on Jeffrey Nanofluid Flow over an Unsteady Stretching Surface with Thermophoresis. Symmetry. 2020; 12(9):1450.
28. El-Zahar, E. R., Rashad, A. M., Saad, W., & Seddek, L. F. (2020). Magneto-hybrid nanofluids flow via mixed convection past a radiative circular cylinder. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 10494.
29. EL-Zahar ER, Rashad AM, Seddek LF. The Impact of Sinusoidal Surface Temperature on the Natural Convective Flow of a Ferrofluid along a Vertical Plate. Mathematics. 2019; 7(11):1014.
30. M.A. Eltaher, N. Mohamed, S. Mohamed and L.F. Seddek, “Energy Equivalent Model in Analysis of Postbuckling of Imperfect Carbon Nanotubes Resting on Nonlinear Elastic Foundation”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 70, pp. 737-750, 2019.
31. M.A. Eltaher, N. Mohamed, S. Mohamed and L.F. Seddek, “Periodic and Nonperiodic Modes on Postbuckling and Nonlinear Vibration of Beams Attached with Nonlinear Foundations”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.75, pp.414-445, 2019.
32. M.A. Eltaher, N. Mohamed, S. Mohamed and L.F. Seddek, “Postbuckling of Curved Carbon Nanotubes Using Energy Equivalent Model”, Journal of Nano Research, Vol. 57, pp.136-157, 2019.
33. N. Mohamed, M.A. Eltaher, S.A. Mohamed, L.F. Seddek, " Numerical analysis of nonlinear free and forced vibrations of buckled curved beams resting on nonlinear elastic foundations", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol.101, pp.157–173, 2018.
34. Ola Ragb, L.F.Seddek, M.S.Matbuly, "Iterative differential quadrature solutions for Bratu problem", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, pp.249-257, 2017.
35. S. A. Mohamed, R. A. Shanab and L.F. Seddek , "Vibration analysis of Euler–Bernoulli nanobeams embedded in an elastic medium by a sixth-order compact finite difference method", Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol.40, pp.2396-2406, 2016.
36. N Mohamed, SA Mohamed, LF Seddek, "Exponential higher-order compact scheme for 3D steady convection–diffusion problem", Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 232, pp.1046–1061, 2014.
37. N. Mohamed, S. A. Mohamed, and L.F. Seddek ," Exponential Higher-Order Compact Scheme for Steady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations: Stream function-Vorticity Formulation", Eleventh International Conference of Fluid Dynamics, December 19-21, 2013, Alexandria, Egypt.
38. Rabab Ahmed Shanab, Laila Fouad Seddek, Salwa Amin Mohamed, "Non-uniform HOC scheme for the 3D convection–diffusion equation", Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 2(3),pp. 64-77, 2013.
39. L F Sedeek, S A Mohamed and A Mohsen, “Data Structure for 3D Multigrid on Nonuniform Grids”, 35th International Conference for Statistics, Computer Science and Its Applications, pp.19-36,2010.
40. A Mohsen, L F Sedeek, and S A Mohamed, "New Smoother to Enhance Multigrid-Based Methods for Bratu Problem", J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 204, No 1, pp. 325-339, 2008.
41. Mohamed S.A., Said M.A. And Sedeek L.F., “Two Algorithms For Generating Structured-Hexahedral Meshes”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Cairo University, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 1057-1072, 2004.
Elementary Mathematics: (Calculus, Algebra, Analytic geometry, Differential Equations).
Advanced Mathematics (Special Functions, Integral Transforms, Integral Equations).
Numerical Analysis (Finite difference, finite element, multigrid, Partial differential equations).
· Differential Equations
· Numerical Analysis
· Multigrid Method: algorithms, analysis and applications.
Analytic Geometry
Mathematical packages.
Nonlinear Dynamics
Vector Analysis
Graduation Projects
Complex Analysis
Numerical and computational methods
Ordinary and Partial differential equations
Singular perturbation problems
Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer