Enthusiastic pharmacist, eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organizational skills, with a positive attitude. Skilled in collaborating with team members to expedite urgent requests while maintaining impeccable focus on safety, accuracy, and confidentiality. Motivated to learn, grow and excel in all pharmacy aspects.
Research and data collection
A member of the saudi red crescent for community services.
A member of Kabeduk (saudi charity sociaty for liver patients) with active community services.
A member of Sharek for healthcare researches.
A member of Saudi Pharmaceutical Society.
Abdulrahman Alamri- Chairman, Pharmacy education and training
Contact: king abdulaziz medical city -central region, SA- Amriab@ngha.med.sa
Jawaher Gramish- Assistant dean- Allied health, critical care clinical
Contact: Deanship of postgraduate education, KSAU-HS, SA- gramishj@ngha.me.sa
Abdullah Alrajhi- Clinical pharmacist, hematology/hematopoietic stem cell
Contact: king fahad medical city- central region, SA- amalrajhi@kfmc.med.sa
Abdulrahman Alturaiki- Clinical pharmacist, internal medicine
Contact: king abdulaziz medical city -central region, SA- alturaikiab@ngha.med.sa